

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:作为一种新型的旅游目的地形态,主题公园在国内得到了迅速的发展,然而,近年来,国内的旅游主题公园在发展过程中却出现了一系列问题。为此一种新的资源文化型主题公园发展模式应运而生。运城作为中华文明的起源地,拥有博大精深的文化,在此构建文化型主题公园,能够弘扬中华文化,传承中华文明,壮大运城旅游业的发展。本文针对在运城构建文化型主题公园的可行性,从市场需求、区位选址、优势、劣势等方面进行了研究,进而提出了切实可行的旅游策划方案,在主题公园内开辟了文化长廊区、爱情圣地区、民间艺术区、休闲娱乐区、美食享受区,为游客提供了一个旅游天堂。最后文章还从经济效益、社会文化效益等方面对运城构建文化型主题公园进行了评估,为运城构建文化型主题公园提供了理论依据。


The Feasibility Study of Building
A Culture of YunCheng Theme Park

Abstract:As a new kind of traveling destination, the theme parks have a rapid development. But in view of the questions in tourism development of the theme park, so a new model of culture-based theme park came into being. As the origin of Chinese civilization, YunCheng extensive and profound culture, in building a cultural theme park, it can promote the Chinese culture and heritage of Chinese civilization, strengthen the development of tourism in YunCheng. This paper, studies the feasibility of building a culture of YunCheng theme park, from the market demand、 location、strengths、weaknesses etc, and then put forward a practical program of tourism planning, opening up a cultural corridor in the District、love St area、folk arts district、entertainment district、food enjoyment of area .In this theme park which can provide a tourist paradise for visitors. In the end, the article also evaluates that building a culture of YunCheng theme park from economic、social and cultural benefits, which provides a theoretical basis for building a culture of YunCheng theme park.

Key Words: theme park; model guided by resource and culture; feasibility in research

