

全文字数:35000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


mba建筑设计公司绩效考核方案的再设计摘 要 在竞争日益激烈的今天,如何创造高绩效,持续保持高绩效,是现代企业管理面临的最现实,最重大的课题。绩效考核作为实现企业效益的有效手段,是企业人力资源管理的核心。可以说,企业的一切活动都是围绕着创造和保持高绩效来进行的。故绩效考核得到了几乎所有企业及其管理者的高度重视。但是,绩效考核工作究竟该如何科学的有效的进行,各企业对此认识还是离正确合理的标准有差距的,对国内企业,尤其是规模不大的私营企业,是一个全新而必要的课题。鉴于此,本文将绩效考核的理论与AD公司绩效考核的实际情况相结合,在对其原有的绩效考核的评估与问题分析的基础上,为其设计了新的绩效考核体系,以此探讨绩效考核体系在企业管理中的应用。 xx建筑设计公司成立于1998年,是资质的建筑设计公司,主要从事的项目设计,随着中国房地产业的发展,设计公司的竞争也越来越激烈,由于建筑标准相同,而各高校建筑系学生培养计划也在加大,所以经营管理水平差距缩小,公司依靠人才和技术上的优势在市场竞争中渐渐变弱。因此,要保持在市场竞争中的优势,实现可持续的发展,必然对人力资源管理尤其是绩效管理方面提出更高的要求。另外,随着公司的发展和业务量的扩大,公司员工的人数也快速增加,什么是科学的绩效考核,怎样有效地进行绩效考核,都是公司目前亟待解决的主要问题,也是文章探讨的核心内容。 本文由四个部分组成,第一部分:公司现状及分析;第二部分:公司绩效考核制度的再设计准备;第三部分:公司新的绩效考核设计方案;第四部分:公司绩效再设计方案的评价,并在以上基础上寻求对同类企业具有借鉴意义的绩效管理体系设计经验。 本文旨在通过对公司的绩效考核进行再设计,完善并改进公司绩效考核体系,构建科学、合理、有效的绩效考核体系,解决公司目前在绩效管理上面临的问题,提高企业的核心竞争力,使企业得到可持续发展。 关键词:建筑设计公司 绩效考核 设计 Performance Appraisal System Redesign for Sichuan 学xx Company Abstract In the increasingly fierce competition for talent today, how to create and important task that a modern enterprise faces.As an effective tool to fulfill the goals,performance appraisal is the core of the business enterprise human resource manangement.All of the business enterprise’s activities deal with creating and keeping the high perfoemance.Allmost all of the enterprise and managers pay great attention to performance evaluation.however,performance appraisal ,how to should the work of the conduct of the scientific and effective ,companies have recognized the right away from the reasonable standard, or there are gaps,the right domestic enterprises,especially small-scale private enterprises,is a new and necessary task. In view of this, this article will AD performance appraisal theory and corporate performance appraisal,combining the actual situation, in its original performance appraisal assessment and problem analysis, based on its design a new performance appraisal system so as to explore the performance appraisal system in the enterprise management applications. Sichuan AD Company was founded in 1998, is qualified architectural design company, mainly engaged in project design As China's real estate development, design the company's competition increasingly fierce, as the same construction standards, and architecture students, colleges and universities training plan has also increased, so narrowing the gap between the management level, AD companies rely on human resources and technology advantages in market competition became weaker and weaker. Therefore, to maintain a competitive advantage in the market to achieve sustainable development, bound to human resources management, performance management, in particular, put forward higher requirements. In addition, with the volume of the company's growth and business expansion, the number of employees has also increased rapidly, what is the science of performance appraisal, how to effectively carry out performance assessment, are currently the main problems demanding prompt solution, but also to explore the core of the article content. This article consists of four parts, the first part: The current status of AD Company and analysis; the second part: AD company's performance appraisal system for the contents of the re-engineering to prepare; the third part: AD company's new performance appraisal design; the fourth part: AD company's performance re-evaluation of design options, and above on the basis of similar enterprises have sought to learn the meaning of the performance management system design experience. This article aims to AD by the company's performance appraisal re-design, refine and improve the company's performance appraisal system, build scientific, rational and effective performance appraisal system to address the company's current performance management problems and improve core competitiveness of enterprises to enable enterprises to be sustainable development. Key words: company Performance appraisal Design

