

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



村民自治制度是我国基层民主制度的重要组成部分。鉴于村民自治制度理想中的重要性与现实中的可检讨性, 本文以村民自治为研究对象,采取文献法、历史与现实结合的方法,系统的分析在当前社会中如何突破村民自治所面临的一系列困境,促进村民自治更好的发展。首先必须明了村民自治的基本涵义,以村民自治的基本涵义作为标准检验我国村民自治实践现状。在此基础上研究村民自治中存在的问题或困境发现我国村民自治在权力划分、制度运行以及机构人员组成等方面都存在着一些不正常现象。最后本文根据存在的问题或困境提出改革对策或者建议,主要包括四个方面:加强法制建设,明确各机构职权,大力加强农村经济和文化建设。

The Dilemma and Outlet of Villager Autonomy
    ABSTRACT: The vulnerable groups weak in social life,they can’t get rid of the difficult position just relying their own strength. It is the legal responsibility of governments to rescue and protect the vulnerable groups. At present, there are some problems in the government aid. On the one hand, there are wrong understanding regions of the vulnerable groups and the responsibility of government aid. On the other hand, there are defects in the system construction and the policy execution. Based on domestic and foreign research, this paper is divided into four parts, which is based on the relevant theory of weak community and the current social relief of our government. Firstly, the first part of this paper discriminate the concepts of social vulnerable groups ,the government responsibility and relevant theories; Next, the second part discuss the necessary of the government’s responsibility to provide aid to the vulnerable groups, which is based the government's character and function, the concept of the protection of human rights, the own characteristics of social assistance, and the requirements of harmonious society’s construction. Then, the third part explains the shortages of government’s social aid responsibility from the existing laws and the laws effect, the aim of these explains is to be a foundation of normative analysis .Lastly, the fourth part give the needed measures to eliminate the inadequate of current government social aid measures.
    KEY WORDS: Social vulnerable group; Social assistance; Governmental

