

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



People regard food as their prime want.the catering industry as the leading industry in the tertiary industry growing, however, the particularity of the catering industry makes staff turnover in the industry, especially the new generation employees of high turnover rate is higher than other industry, this kind of situation has been hindering the healthy and stable development of the catering industry. This article from the perspectiveoforganizational commitment research food industry new employee turnover intention. This paper adopts questionnaire survey method, Through scale to measure organizational commitment and turnover intention, and then by the method of statistics, different personal attributes make food industry new employee perception of organizational commitment in various dimensions and turnover intention. Through correlation analysis, it is concluded that the organizational commitment between affective commitment and continuance commitment and turnover intention was significantly negative relationship, for the food industry managers by raising the new generation employees' organizational commitment to reduce their turnover intention to provide a theoretical basis. Building the culture atmosphere, suitable for new generation employees help different length of service, improving the catering industry salary, welfare system, strengthen the training work of catering industry management advice, such as the food industry effectively reduce the new generation of employee turnover has important realistic significance.

Key words: New generation employees;Organizational commitment ;turnover intention ; catering industry

摘要 1
第一章绪论 4
1.1  研究背景 4
1.2选题意义与问题的提出 5
1.2.1选题意义 5
1.2.2 提出问题 6
1.3  研究方法与创新之处 6
1.3.1  研究方法 6
1.3.2  创新之处 7
第二章 文献回顾与研究理论综述 8
2.1  新生代员工相关论述 8
2.1.1 新生代员工的界定 8
2.1.2 新生代员工的特征及离职现状 8
2.2  组织承诺相关概念 8
2.2.1 组织承诺的概念及维度 8
2.2.2组织承诺的测量 8
2.3  离职倾向相关综述 9
2.3.1 离职的涵义 9
2.3.2离职倾向的涵义 10
第三章 餐饮行业新生代员工组织承诺与其离职倾向关系的实证分析 11
3.1餐饮行业新生代员工现状描述 11
3.2提出假设 11
3.3样本特征 12
3.4数据分析 12
3.4.1描述性统计分析 12
3.4.2 效度分析 13
3.4.3 信度分析 15
3.4.2相关分析 16
3.4.3回归分析 16
3.4.4结论 18
第四章 餐饮行业降低新生代员工离职倾向的建议 18
4.1组织结构应尽量采用扁平化形式 18
4.2改善管理模式 18
4.3为员工制定合理的职业生涯规划 19
4.4完善企业的薪酬、福利体系 19
4.5加强培训工作 19
参考文献 20
附录 22
致谢 25

