

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On the Right of Rescission of Laborers in Labor Contracts
     ABSTRACT:Under the market economy condition, the worker and the employer have formed the huge stake system, both problems may evolve into the social question. Because of differences in cooperation activities or other objective factors, often appear problems two labor relations, the labor contract is the workers and employers to establish labor relations of production and business activities of the standard, therefore to analyze the labor right of rescission to the labor agreement reached between the two sides of the analytical background.
     KEY WORDS:Labor contract; The right of rescission of laborers; The system of the right of rescission of laborers; Problems; Suggestions
一、关于劳动合同中劳动者解除权的相关概述 1
(一)劳动合同中劳动者解除权的内涵 1
    (二)劳动合同中劳动者解除权的适用范围 1
二、我国劳动合同中劳动者解除权制度的发展及内容解析  1
(一)我国劳动合同中劳动制解除权制度的发展过程 1
(二)我国劳动合同中劳动者解除权制度的立法现状 2
三、劳动者解除劳动合同中出现的若干问题 3
(一)劳动者行使劳动合同解除权的程序问题 3
(二)劳动合同解除中的违约处理问题 4
四、对完善我国劳动合同中劳动者解除权制度的几项建议 4
(一)完善劳动合同中劳动者解除权制度所遵循的原则 4
(二)完善劳动合同中劳动者解除权制度的立法建议 5
结束语 6
注释 7
参考文献 7

