

全文字数:30000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:金融发展; 经济增长; 金融机构效率

Sound financial system conductive to the increase in savings, the effective conversion of savings to investment and production efficiency, thus promoting economic growth. This paper is on the basic of summary of the relevant research results of the regional financial development and economic growth, using general analysis and quantitative analysis. The study about the relationship between financial development and economic growth is base on the Jiangsu province annual data.
The empirical results show that, from an overall point of view, Jiangsu province financial development does not promote the economic growth. Indirect financing is the main way in the financial structure. Specifically, banking financial institutions’ function to mobilize savings is falling. It’s efficiency of making the savings into investment is low and eventually lead to banking financial institution does not promote economic growth. On the contrary, economic growth promotes the development of banking industry. The securities industry and economic growth promote each other and forming a virtuous circle of relations. The development of the insurance industry is steady, but the development of the insurance industry does not promote the economic growth and the economic growth has driven the development of the insurance industry.

Key words: financial development; economic growth; the efficiency of financial institutions

目    录

1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的与意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3相关文献综述 3
2 区域金融发展与经济增长关系的理论分析 4
2.1研究对象的概念界定 4
2.1.1金融发展的概念 4
2.1.2经济增长 4
2.2区域金融发展对经济增长影响的理论分析 4
2.2.1金融风险管理与经济增长 5
2.2.2降低信息成本与经济增长 5
2.2.3动员储蓄作用与经济增长 5
2.3区域经济增长对金融发展影响的理论分析 6
3 江苏省金融发展与经济增长现状的一般分析 7
3.1江苏省经济发展概况 7
3.2江苏省金融发展总量 10
3.3江苏省金融发展结构 13
3.3.1从融资结构角度分析 13
3.3.2从金融机构角度分析 15
3.3.3保险业的发展状况 17
3.4江苏省金融发展效率 19
3.4.1金融机构动员储蓄功能的发挥 19
3.4.2银行类金融机构储蓄转化为投资功能的发挥 25
4 江苏省金融发展与经济增长关系的实证分析 30
4.1实证模型的建立 30
4.1.1指标和样本的选取 30
4.1.2计量模型的建立 31
4.2实证分析 32
4.2.1实证分析的思路 32
4.2.2时间序列的平稳性检验 33
4.2.3 VAR模型最佳滞后期的选择与平稳性的检验 33
4.2.4协整检验 35
4.2.5格兰杰非因果性检验 36
4.2.6脉冲响应函数的分析 38
4.2.7 VAR模型方差分解分析 38
4.3实证结论 40
5 结论 42
5.1江苏省金融发展总体没有领先于经济增长 42
5.2江苏省融资结构以间接融资为主 42
5.3江苏省银行类金融机构储蓄转化为投资效率较低 42
5.4江苏省经济增长带动银行类金融机构的发展 42
5.5 江苏省证券业的发展小幅推动经济增长 43
5.6江苏省保险业稳健发展 43
参考文献 44


