

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


国有企业员工招聘的风险及对策研究  国有企业在我国作为一种特殊的企业经营形式,在我国经济发展中起着重大的作用。招聘是人事管理工作的基础和前提,员工招聘风险给企业带来费用增加和机会损失,影响到企业发展战略的顺利实现。本文研究国有企业人员招聘过程中产生的风险及其应对风险的策略分析,了解当前存在的问题以及原因。结合国有企业的特点分析企业人员招聘存在的风险,在此基础上运用人力资源管理理论知识,提出有一定现实意义并与国有企业实际相符的建议。
The state-owned company as a special kind of enterprise management form in China, it plays a significant role in the country's economic development. Recruitment is the precondition and basis of the personnel management,the risk of the employee recruits may bring cost to enterprise and increase the realization losing,it may even affect the strategy of enterprise development. This article studies on the state-owned company staff recruitment in the process of risk and how to deal with the strategy of risk analysis, understand the problems and their causes. Combining with the characteristics of the state-owned company,based on the use of human resources management theory knowledge to analysis the risk of recruitment,  suggest some  Endowed with Realistic significance to Coincide with  the actual situation of the state-owned company and analysis the research results.
Key words:State-owned Company; Personnel Recruitment; Recruitment Risk

