

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


命运未卜的女性存在 -《别名格雷斯》中的女性角色研究Abstract
Hailed as the “Canadian literary queen”, Margaret Atwood is a Canadian contemporary writer who enjoys international reputation. She has published substantial literary works including novels, short stories, poetry, literary criticism, essays and so on, attracting attention from critics and scholars at home and abroad. Her literary works tend to focus on the dual theme of feminism and Canadian ethnic consciousness, reflecting her unique thinking of female living conditions and life value, which contains profound social significance. Published in 1996, the novel Alias Grace is one of Margaret Atwood’s representative works, widely acclaimed since its publication. It has drawn materials from a real case of murder that happened in the 19th century in Canada, concerning the notorious Canadian murderess, Grace Marks. Through the discussion of whether and how the heroine Grace commits a crime, Atwood actually reveals Canadian females’ living predicaments and spiritual world in the patriarchal society.  The current research project has been an extension of an innovative training project for college students under my responsibility in relation to Chinese students studying abroad, namely, a study on national culture by means of literature. Canada, long a popular destination for Chinese students studying abroad, is somewhat neglected in terms of historical and cultural studies. Therefore, a study on one of its renowned writers for an exploration of its historical and cultural situation is in due order. This thesis will focus on the female characters’ “unresolved destiny”, analyzing their existence in regards to gender relations, social conventions and the ideological sphere. With the help of the feminist theory, this thesis aims to explore the causes and specific embodiment of females’ “unresolved destiny”. By means of connecting these female characters’ respective reactions to the misfortune with their destiny, it can be concluded that only by building independent personality and self-consciousness, and affirming self-worth can women step on the path of survival.
Keywords: Margaret Atwood; Alias Grace; existence; feminism 
摘  要
玛格丽特·阿特伍德是加拿大享有国际声誉的当代作家,被誉为“加拿大 文学女王”。她发表了大量的长篇和短篇小说,诗歌,文学评论,散文等多种形 式的文学作品,吸引了国内外评论家及学者的关注。她的文学作品往往聚焦于 女性主义和加拿大民族意识的双重主题,反映出她对女性的生存状态、生命价 值的独特思考,具有深刻的社会意义。 出版于 1996 年的长篇小说《别名格雷斯》是玛格丽特·阿特伍德的代表作 之一,一经出版便广受好评。小说取材于 19 世纪发生在加拿大的一桩真实的谋 杀案,该案件涉及到著名的加拿大女谋杀犯格雷斯·马克斯。阿特伍德通过探 讨女主人公格雷斯是否犯罪以及如何犯罪,实则揭示了父系社会下加拿大女性 的生存困境及精神世界。 本文是基于我本人曾经主持的有关高校大学生出国留学的校级大学生创新 训练项目的延伸和扩展,即国别文化研究。加拿大作为中国留学生热门目的地 之一,其历史文化研究却受到了忽视。本文系对加拿大知名作家的研究,以文 学的途径介入加拿大历史、文化探索。 本篇论文将围绕几位女性角色“未卜的命运”展开研究,分析她们在性别 关系、社会习俗及意识形态领域的生存状态。本文借助女性主义理论,探索女 性们“命运未卜”的原因与具体体现。通过联系几位女性角色对待不幸遭遇的 不同应对方式与最终命运,可以得出结论,只有树立独立人格及自我意识,肯 定自我价值,这些女性们才能走向生存之路。

