

全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


随着我国高等教育模式由精英教育转变为大众教育,大学毕业生就业难成为社会关注的热点和解决的难点。对大学生职业生涯规划及与就业关系的研究发现,职业生涯规划教育的早期介入能有效推进高校就业工作的顺利开展; 职业生涯规划能力的高低与个人的就业力甚至个体职业生涯的发展有密切的关系。笔者引用袭开国学者大学生职业生涯规划能力的5个影响因子,从管理学、社会学和心理学的视角出发,通过在xx大学展开调研活动,以xx大学大一、大二学生为调查对象,了解他们当前的职业规划能力现状,分析和讨论5个影响因子的影响,并提出建议和对策,目的在于帮助大学生更好地提升规划能力,顺利实现就业。
【关键词】职业生涯规划  规划能力  影响因素  就业
With China's higher education mode from elite education into the public education,college graduates employment has become a hot concern and solves difficulties. The study of students’ career planning and employment relationship found that early intervention of education of the career planning can effectively promoting the employment of the work smoothly; Career planning ability and personal employment force and even individual career development have close relationship. The author cited the founding scholars attacks the career planning of the college students ability of five factors, and from the management、sociology and psychology perspective, through investigation in Shenzhen university activities to freshmen and sophomore students for investigation object, understand their current career planning capacity present situation, analyzed the discussed the influence of five factors, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures, the goal is to help students better promotion planning ability, achieve their employment smoothly.
【Keywords】Career Planning  Plan ability  factors  employment

