如今,商务活动已经遍布世界的每一个角落,商务交流和商务活动与人息息相关。 英语是世界上运用最广泛的语言。 一些主要国家如美国,加拿大,澳大利亚和英国这些工业发达的国家,英语都是他们的官方语言。商业活动日渐繁荣,英语日益成为世界语言, 这两者的结合产生了商务英语。 在全球经济的发展中,商务英语起着关键性的作用。因此,关于这方面的研究也在如火如荼的进行中。
此论文主要探讨有关商务英语的学习。比如有关商务英语基本的词汇特征及一些常用句式的学习。商务词汇有它独特的特征,值得悉心学习研究。有关句式这方面的学习,笔者认为在正式文体中的常用句型,不如合同中高频率出现的句型都具有学习记忆的价值。另外,商务英语中有关否定的表示方法也至关重要, 如果理解有误造成的损失将直接影响到交易是否有效并进而影响企业的发展。笔者在文中简略提到相关问题。
总之,笔者在此论文中简要的分析了有关商务英语大概的用语特征, 结合其他专家学者独到的见解,笔者也提出自己拙劣的看法,与有关志士一起研究学习。
关键词: 商务英语 普通英语 词汇特点 常用句式 否定表达
Analysis of Characteristics of Business English
Since the business running today covered almost every yard of the whole world, it connects people of every corner into a big net. English is the language most widely used on the earth, several main countries like America, Canada, Australia and the UK, they all take English as their office language. The connection of the most popular work, by which I mean business, and the most popular language, by which I mean English, give birth to Business English. Business English is now believed to be the key point in the process of global economy. A new tide of research is on the way.
This thesis is going to cover main aspects of Business English study. From the fundamental level, the word level, to superior level, the sentence level. Words in business English have their own characteristics and those qualities should be learned and paid special attention to. As to sentence structures, regular structures are frequently used in business correspondence, for example, formal contracts. When comes to expressions, negative expressions are easy to be mistaken in daily use, thus, the author is going to stress a little in case that unnecessary misunderstanding arose in communication. Because the effect of misunderstanding is much more serious than one can imagine.
Key words: Business English, General English, Vocabulary, Regular Structures, Negative expression