

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词: 商务,谈判,问题,技巧
Business English Negotiating Techniques

With the rapid development of Chinese economy and acceleration of the globalization process, China's international trade is also developed quickly, so the international commercial negotiations are unavoidable. It becomes an essential form of communication between both companies and executives. This paper is attempted to introduce the definition of the international commercial negotiations, it means that two partied reaches a agreement on particular issue through communication. And the principle of cooperation, the principle of safeguarding the interests, to illustrate the principle of bilabial benefit, the principle of discussing the matter itself, the principle of objective criteria, principle of obeying the law,  to analyze the skills of the international business negotiations, to chose teamwork as the best option, to prepare well for international business negotiation and participate every possible problems and the related solutions, to use verbal language and non-verbal language properly during the process of the negotiation, and to compare the cultural differences between international negotiators, these differences reflect in the tasks, social topic.

Key words: business, negotiation, problem, skill


