

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:教师培养选拔制度;中美教师培养选拔制度; 比较研究

Teachers' training and selecting system of China and the United States

Abstract:  In today's society, the increasingly fierce international competition, the demand for talent is becoming increasingly urgent, science and technology development, science and technology personnel training, the development of a country has an important impact. Therefore, the development of talent resources, has become a core issue of the development of the economy, and the "talent development" is the most important way of education, which is the main force of school education. The quality of teaching in schools is affected by many factors, but the most important factor is the quality of teachers and the quality of teaching. Therefore, teacher training, selection system is an important part of modern school teachers, how to train and select teachers, the important problem of modern school teachers is to ensure the quality of teachers. Countries in the development of school education at the same time the need to train and select excellent teachers. Globalization of economy and education of teachers training selection system also put forward many new requirements, such as the professionalization of teachers, lifelong education system for teachers and so on, which to all teachers culture establishment of selection system put forward the severe challenge. This study is to teacher training and selection system as the research object, through the literature method, historical research method, comparative analysis,  comprehensive analysis system of the comparison between the Chinese and American teachers raises the similarities and differences of the selection system, respectively from China and the United States to the teacher management system, teachers' pre service education, teachers on-the-job training, the teacher qualification system do a detailed comparison and analysis.

Key words:Teachers' training and selecting system; Teachers' training and selecting system of China and the United States;Comparative study

