

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《麦田守望者》是一部反映现代西方人精神危机的作品,本文旨在揭示这种精神危机的根源。本研究主要是从三个方面进行的。 第一,小说的主要内容可以浓缩在主人公与书中人物的三个对话中,本文通过对这三个对话的分析,找出了主人公霍尔顿的所爱所憎,以及其精神上的困惑。 第二,本文结合弗洛伊德的人格系统理论,对霍尔顿的人格进行了界定,最后得出书中并没有表现出霍尔顿传统意义上的本我,他的本我在其精神追求的过程中转化为和其超我一样的存在,而其超我则是对真善美的追求和守护,自我则是书中表现出来的与社会格格不入的痛苦迷惘的形象。然后通过分析霍尔顿本我,自我和超我之间的关系,得出其精神危机的本质并不是个人与社会的矛盾,而是社会准则之间的矛盾。 第三,通过古希腊和朱光潜先生的悲剧理论,得出上述矛盾的根源其实在于人类文明自身,这就解释了《麦田守望者》为什么能引起不同社会不同时空读者群体的共鸣,也解释了其畅销不衰的原因。最后根据这个结论,再结合中国社会现实和《麦田守望者》主人公霍尔顿的成长经历,推导出解决现代人精神危机的出路在于儿童和青少年人文教育的落实和文艺作品的推广。


The Catcher in the Rye is a reflection of the modern western spiritual crisis works. This paper aims to reveal the source of spiritual crisis. This study is mainly from the three aspects. First, the main content of the novel can be a dialogue between three characters, based on the analysis of the dialogues, in order to find out what the hero Holden loves and hates, as well as its spiritual confusion. Second, this paper combines the theory of personality of Freud's system and defines the character of Holden. The book did not show Holden's traditional sense of the id, id in the process of his spiritual pursuit into existence and the superego. And the superego is the pursuit for goodness and guardian. His ego is expressed in the book and the society be misfits pain lost image. And then through the analysis of the relationship between Holton's id, ego and superego, the spiritual crisis of the essence is not the contradiction between person and society, but the contradiction between social criteria. Third, through the ancient Greek and Mr. Zhu Guangqian's theory of tragedy, the contradiction in the root is human civilization itself, which explains why The Catcher in the Rye can cause resonance from different groups of readers, and explains its popularity. Finally, according to this conclusion, and then combined with the reality of Chinese society and the protagonist Holden's growth experience, the solution to the spiritual crisis lies in implementation of the education of children and adolescents on humanities and the spread of literary and artistic works.

Key words: spiritual crisis  ID  ego  superego

