

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Yang Hui is one of the mathematics representative at Song and Yuan times in China. There are five kinds and twenty-one volumes of Yang’ mathematical works. They are: the twelve volumes of “Xiang Jie Jiu Zhang Suan Fa”, the two volumes of “Ri Yong Suan Fa”, the three volumes of “Cheng Chu Tong Bian Ben Mo”, the two volumes of “Tian Mu Bi Lei Cheng Chu Jie Fa” and the two volumes of “Xu Gu Zhai Qi Suan Fa”. The last three works are commonly called the seven volumes of “Yang Hui Suan Fa”. Although the original book of “Ri Yong Suan Fa” has been lost and the other books are partly scattered during the process of spreading, Yang is the mathematician who has the most works retained from the late Southern Song Dynasty.
Yang is not only a mathematician, but also a mathematics educator. Most of his works served for the popularization and education of mathematics. In order to make the mathematics easier to learn, Yang composed the “Xi Zuo Gang Mu” as a teaching syllabus, which was never seen in ancient Chinese mathematics, in addition to the syllabus, much of the teaching content was expressed in the form of “verses”, which is easier to be remembered by people. So the profound mathematics was widely spread in the form of easy-going ways by Yang, which provided a valuable learning for our posterity.
Key words:Yang hui of mathematics; Education idea; Mathematics education

