

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:《双城记》 文学语用学  合作原则的违背  言外之意


The language in A Tale of Two Cities is ironic and humorous, which is the distinctive feature of Dickens’s language style. Since Dickens’s language tends to be implicit and indirect, it’s not easy to appreciate his humor. Therefore, this thesis tries to uncover Dickens’s distinctive language style through pragmatic point of view so as to get a better understanding of his humor and irony.
This thesis studies the language in the novel by way of analyzing the language phenomenon of violating Cooperative Principle (CP). It is mainly developed through qualitative methodology. The thesis finds out examples of flouting CP in the novel, either dialogues between characters or literary texts, and reveals the conversational implicature which often contains deep meanings.
After the study it is found that the personality of characters is more prominent and the irony of the current society is more serious by violating CP. It is because of the violation that makes the novel more marvelous.
The literary pragmatic analysis in this thesis is of some help to those who have preference for the actual practice of literary pragmatics.
Key Words: A Tale of Two Cities, literary pragmatics, violation of CP, conversational implicature


