

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



本文主要分析《雾都孤儿》的人物性格及社会意义。《雾都孤儿》是查尔斯·狄更斯的一部伟大的批判现实主义的小说。它以维多利亚时代为背景,反映了刚刚通过《济贫法》的英国社会最底层人民的生活,揭露了社会弊端与社会问题,带有很强的讽刺意义。首先,本文从英国批判现实主义的定义及作者生平入手, 然后重点从人物的一系列行动来分析其性格及成因。本文认为无论环境多么恶劣,都无法泯灭人类本性中的善良成分并由此引出作者对人类本性中善良的呼唤及对现代教育体系的批判。最后,通过深入分析当时维多利亚时代的社会背景,揭露社会现实,从而得出《雾都孤儿》积极与消极的社会意义。


The paper has mainly analyzed the character and social significance of Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is one of Dickens’ most famous novels of critical realism. The novel is set in the Victorian Age, which mainly reflects the life of citizens at the bottom of society in England during the time when the Poor Law had just been passed. With the exposure of social short comings and problems, the novel is written in strong irony. Firstly, the paper begins with the definition of critical realism and Dickens life. Then it focused on a series of actions from the characters to analysis their personality and the reasons. The author wants to call for the kindness of human nature and to criticize the education system. Then, through the analysis of the social situation of the Victorian age, and the exposure of social reality, the paper sums up the positive and negative significance of the novel.

Key Words:  social meaning; character;context

