

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Creative Treason in the Translation of Movie Titles

It is a creative job to translate movie titles, especially in a movie’s release and promotion. The differences between western culture and Chinese culture make it difficult for the translated titles to be completely loyal to the original titles. So it is necessary to put creative treason into effect.
Based on the theory of the translation principles domestic and overseas, this paper analyzes the methods in which movie titles in English have been translated into Chinese and the other way around in reference to the four principles, that is, the informative value, the cultural value, the aesthetic value and the commercial value principle as the four guidelines for translating movie titles in general. It also analyzes the motivation of creative treason in the translation of movie titles. Besides, it presents the main methods of movie title translation. They are literal translation, liberal translation and combination of the two. The typical examples are also given to illustrate suitable methods in translating movie titles.

Key words: creative treason; translation of movie titles; principles; translating techniques





