

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



排队是我们生活中比较常见的一种场景,但传统的排队方式往往会浪费消费者的大量时间.目前市场上也有一些在线排队等位系统,但当前市场上的大部分点餐预定系统主要是在点餐、在线预订、收银等功能上,真正实现实时取号排队、查看实时排队进度等功能的平台少之又少。移动互联网已渗透到大众的生活之中,得益于移动互联网的良好发展以及移动智能终端的广泛应用,使得各种即时通信软件获得了坚固的基础,以互联网为基础的通讯软件的技术发展正深刻地改变着人们的生活。在JavaScript动态网页技术和SQL SERVER数据库存储等技术的基础上,再结合互联网的优势,实现消费者线上异地取号排队、排队进度实时查询、到号提前提醒、线下到店消费等便捷功能的一个移动端应用。
关键字: JavaScript;移动互联网;线上排队;实时信息

Development and design of online registration and queuing platform
Abstract: Queuing is a common scene in our life, but the traditional way of queuing waste a lot of time of consumers. At present, there are also some online queuing systems in the market. However, most of the ordering system in the current market is mainly in the ordering, online booking, cashier and other functions, the real implementation of real-time access to queue, real-time queue progress, and other functions of the platform is few. Mobile Internet has entered into every aspect of people's life. Thanks to the good development of mobile Internet and the wide application of mobile intelligent terminals, various instant messaging software has gained a solid foundation, the development of internet-based communication software technology is profoundly changing people's lives. Take advantage of the advantages of the Internet, Based on JavaScript dynamic web page and SQL SERVER data storage technology, to achieve convenient functions such as online long-distance registration and queuing, real-time inquiry of queuing progress, advance notification of registration and offline in-store consumption.
Key Words:JavaScript;Mobile Internet;Real-time information;Online queuing

