

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Analysis on the Status Quo and
Countermeasures of the Two-children of Rural Residents in        Lanshan District of Rizhao City
Abstract:80s of last century, China to alleviate the low social production capacity, the overall economic backwardness background, the population base is too large, the problem of population growth too fast, the implementation of the policy of family planning, population growth trend has been greatly alleviated The However, over time, young people who have occupied the majority of the population gradually entered the old age, the population aging intensified, the birth population is low, leading to the gradual disappearance of the population dividend, and lead to labor shortage, aggravating and a series of problems. In order to solve these problems, the state promulgated the policy of "comprehensive two-births". In order to analyze the implementation of this policy, the author conducted an investigation in the Lanshan District of Rizhao City, Shandong Province to study the situation and willingness of the two children of childbearing age analyze the causes of fertility willingness and put forward countermeasures.
Key words: Two-children; Reproductive condition; Intend to reason; Countermeasures

