

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:  《道林·格雷的画像》;精神分析;本我;自我;超我;屈服
The Ego’s Surrender to the Id
---A Psychoanalysis of The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray is Wilde’s one and only novel which tells a story about a handsome young man who prefers to sell out his own soul in order to keep his youth and beauty for good. This thesis will respectively analyze the three main characters’ personalities in the book on the basis of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. Lord Henry, Basil and Dorian are correspondingly the Id, the Super-ego and the Ego in Freud’s theory of personality. They interact with each other, both satisfying and rebelling. By analyzing each of their weaknesses in personality, the paper explains how the ego surrenders to the id step by step. The id follows the principle of pleasure, inducing the ego to fulfill his instinct needs and desires. The super-ego tries to influence the ego with his moral standards but fails. His weakness results in his own miserable end. The ego is profoundly tortured by the influences both from the id and the super-ego. Finally, the ego surrenders to the id and chooses the way of self-destruction. The id is powerful and his influence on the ego is quite destructive. The ego’s surrender to the id and his tragical end warns us to balance both good and bad influences from the id and the super-ego. The ego should stick to himself and never be the slave of the id.
Key words:  The Picture of Dorian Gray; psychoanalysis; the Id; the Ego; the Super-ego; surrender

