

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


被誉为中国古典文学史上最好的小说之一的《聊斋志异》,以其深刻的主题和独特的艺术手法而广为流传并被译成多种文字。在其主要的三个英译本中,翟理斯翻译的Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio是其中最早、最全、也是最有特色的版本。
Herbert Allen Giles’ Rendition of Liaozhaizhiyi: Viewed from the Perspective of Translator-centeredness
 Liaozhaizhiyi, as one of the best Chinese fictions in classical Chinese language, has been translated into many other languages due to its artistic and thematic achievements. Among the three major English versions, the translation of Herbert Allen Giles issued Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is the earliest, most complete and characteristic one.
This thesis is an analysis of Giles’ rendition of Liaozhaizhiyi from the perspective of translator-centeredness in Eco-translatology promoted by Hu Gengshen. Throughout the research of the translator’s social and cultural background and its impact on his translation strategy, this thesis concludes that the central status made Giles’ version a successful translation which should be a model of taking the translational eco-environment into consideration rather than focus on one factor in the progress of translation.
Key words:  translator-centeredness, Eco-translatology, Liaozhaizhiyi, Giles’ version

