

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



郝思嘉生性真实勇敢,勇于冲破一切束缚并按照自我意愿生存;她具有难得的独立意识,并能抓住机遇迎接挑战;对于爱情,她坚定执着,不懈追求。她的这些美好性格品质的形成受到了多方面的影响:家庭方面,来自父母的两种异质血统造就了郝思嘉不同于常人的性格;美国本土文化是郝思嘉性格形成的基础;而南北战争则是其性格形成的直接原因。郝思嘉的性格品质和面对困难的态度以及实现自我价值的意识为当代人做出了榜样,她是生存竞争 、优胜劣汰的资本主义社会中的女强人,她的精神不仅鼓舞了那个时代的人,更是值得当代女性学习。因此乱世中永不凋零的那朵花,郝思嘉当之无愧。


Gone with the Wind, written by American writer Margaret Mitchell, is the only novel that was published during her lifetime. As soon as the book was published, it received much attention and high praise from readers and critics. What raises our eyebrows is its wide spread and unique artistic charm, especially its shaping of the characteristics of the protagonist Scarlett.
Brave and forthright, Scarlett dares to break all constraint and lives a life she wants; she has a rare independent consciousness. She seizes the opportunity to meet challenges. In the face of love, she is persistent and dares to pursue it unremittingly. There are some causes for her charming characteristics. The two heterogeneous lineages from her parents contribute to her distinctive character. American native culture lays the foundation of her character while the Civil War, is the direct cause of her characteristics. Scarlett has set us a good example with her charming characteristics and her attitudes toward obstacles and her awareness of self-value. She is a great woman in a competitive world in which only the fittest can survive. Her forthrightness, bravery, independence and persistence not only encourage the people in her era, but also encourage us contemporary women. Thus she is worthy of the title of “an ever-lasting flower in the turbulent days”. 

Key words: Margret Mitchell; Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; Characteristics

