

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


《傲慢与偏见》中的女性意识An Analysis on Female Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice


Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel written by Jane Austen in 1813. It describes the emotional development of the protagonist Elizabeth Bennet, who recognizes the error of making hasty judgments and the difference between the superficial and the essential. The comedy of the novel lies in the depiction of manners, education, marriage and money during the Regency era in Britain. This essay’s thesis centers on the analysis of female consciousness embodied in Pride and Prejudice. This essay analyses the values of love, marriage, money, morality at that time through the several pairs of marriage depicted in the novel. Meanwhile, there are some limitations of Jane Austen’s feminine consciousness. This essay intends to help readers have a comprehensive understanding of feminine consciousness. This essay respectively expounds the awakening of feminine consciousness, the feminine consciousness embodied in the novel, and Austen’s feminine consciousness reflected by the marriage in the novel.

Key words: consciousness; marriage; feminism
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