

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中美大学教育比较分析Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American College Education


关键词: 差异;教育;大学;中国;美国
Education business has a no negligible impact on maintaining the interests of dominators and governors as well as boosting the social development of successive dynasties since civilization. Moreover, along with the continuous progress of human civilization and corresponding improvement of community organization, education makes a difference either. As is known to all, education is an eternally immutable topic for a progressive great power to improve and intensify as one of three significant parts, which can evaluate the level of a nation. Different countries have distinct characters for its education instruction system, and this disparity especially appear between two countries under the cultural diversity. Problems exist in discrepancy that means problems will arise when we comparing. Just as Einstein says, “Finding problems is more important than solving them, cause solving problems maybe just a mathematic or experimental skill. While raising a new problem, a new possibility as well as looking on the old problem from a new angle needs imagination in a creative way, which indicates the real forward progress of science.
The thesis is made up of five parts: an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The introduction elaborates the purpose, scope, theory, methodology and organization of this thesis. Chapter One gives a detailed introduction to analysis of Chinese and American college courses, and a brief review of past studies. Chapter Two provides ideological and political education in Chinese and the U.S. universities. Chapter Three presents a detailed analysis of the education system in Chinese and U.S. universities by giving several quick examples. Finally, the author summarizes the main findings in the conclusion. Through research in this thesis, the author aims at finding the differences of Chinese and U.S. education and culture. The author also hopes that this thesis can enrich theoretical research in the field of the education, which will pave the way for the internationalization of our college education.
Key words:  difference; education; university; China; America

