

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


从语用学角度看TED演讲中的英语言语幽默A Study on English Verbal Humor in TED Talks from the Perspective of Pragmatics
Public speaking is a very important means of communication. TED Talks, as one of great stages of public speeches, which includes various topics. These speakers are invited to share their thoughts and successful career. There are many studies focusing on public speeches and TED Talks, but little pays attention to the verbal humor on them.
Humor can make people laugh and produce amusement among people. It has been studied in many fields, such as linguistics, rhetoric, psychology and aesthetics. Since the 1970s and 1980s, along with the rapid development of linguistics, linguists have analyzed and explained humor with modern linguistic theories. The author analyzes the verbal humor in TED Talks with the Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory.
1.2 Research Significance
Lots of researches have been done on verbal humor and public speeches, but little pay attention to TED Talks, especially from the perspective of pragmatics. The significances of the paper can be summarized as follows.
Firstly, this research touches humor on TED Talks and broadens the scope of this field which has not been paid attention to.
Secondly, this paper analyses humor from the pragmatic perspectives: Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory. It can possibly present a better explanation of humor through the research.
Lastly, humor plays a very vital role in our communication. Studying the verbal humor can help us appreciate humor and create humor in our life and cultivate the sense of humor.

