

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中西饮食的差异Differences Between Chinese Diet and Western Diet

    Diet is the foundation of people's survival, the West is no exception. Once there is a saying that"Food is eating well-deserved for human life so food is an indispensable condition for the survival and development of human beings.” With the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, differences between Chinese and Western cultures have brought about differences in Chinese and Western food culture. This essay will show the difference between Chinese and Western dietary in many ways. In different cultural backgrounds, these differences are obvious both in terms of concepts, ingredients, methods, table manners, but with the international exchange and integration, the Chinese and Western food culture industry will be in exchange Common development, which will promote the role of cultural exchanges around the world.

Key words: dietary culture;differences;international communication
摘  要
饮食是人们生存的基础,西方也不例外。 曾经有一句话说“食物吃得好,人类应得的,所以食物是人类生存发展不可或缺的条件”。随着中西文化的融合,中西文化的差异带来了中西文化差异。 这篇文章将在很多方面展现中西餐饮的差异。 在不同的文化背景下,这些差异在概念、成分、方法、餐桌礼仪方面都是显而易见的,但随着国际交流与融合,中西餐饮文化产业将相互交流共同发展,这将促进世界各地的文化交流。
With the development of global economy, cross-culture communication has become more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have become more obvious, especially the differences of dietary. Because of the differences in geographical characteristics, influence of climate factors such as environment, customs, appears in the ingredients, flavors, cooking methods, different degrees of differences in eating habits. It is because of these differences, diet has a strong regional character. China has a rich and rich, broad and profound food culture; Western countries are sophisticated special dimension, self-contained diet of civilization. The collision and communication of Chinese and Western food culture enriches the global food culture. The differences between Chinese and Western culture has also created differences between Chinese and Western food culture. This difference is from a different way of thinking and philosophy. Chinese people focus on “Heaven and Man”, Westerners focus on “people oriented”.
Diet is not only the premise of social development, but also the primary material base for human to survive with good health condition. In the early stage of barbarism, like other animals, looking for food to survive is just the instinct for human beings. But when man began to use fire for cook and they entered the age of civilization, especially the time of cooking with the pottery, the food became the creation made by the human own wisdom and their technology. Then there is the essential difference in diet between human beings and animals that the diet has its cultural nature. Thus the history of human diet is to be this kind of history that human adapt to nature, conquer and reform nature to survive and develop in the nature, and the human dietary culture gradually comes into being in the course of this progress.
Chinese and Western culture has always been the two factions of world culture, and diet in both cultures have a very important position. In this thesis, we will be through a large number of survey data and detailed research to analyze the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western food culture, the pros and cons, hope to improve your future diet structure help. We discuss the difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners from culture, dietary concept, table manners, reasons and significance to the cross-cultural communication. Different ethnic and national existence of the unique food culture, has a strong national character and diversity characteristics. Differences in dietary culture are also one of the factors that affect the outcome of intercultural communication. Through the study, it is beneficial for both sides to strengthen the communication in culture, and more able to eliminate the obstacles and misunderstanding when two nations are communicating, so that people can have in-depth understanding about the dietary culture from China and western countries.

