A Study on Ying Ruocheng’s English Translation of Teahouse from the Perspective of Translation as Adaptation and Selection
Drama, as a special literary style with the duality of readability and performability, has been laid on the fringe of the literary field for a long time and was paid less attention. Thus, the studies of drama translation often confine in the characteristics and standards of drama translation.
Professor Hu Gengshen proposed the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection and defined translation as “a translator’s adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment”. The thesis studies Ying Ruocheng’s translation of Teahouse from the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection. The thesis analyses the translation from Ying’s adaptation to needs, competence and translational eco-environment. It includes Ying Ruocheng’s personal interests and the social background; Ying’s educational background and abilities; the linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions. The successful performance of Teahouse in west demonstrated Ying’s adaptation to the eco-environment of drama translation.
Key words: Adaptation,Selection, Drama Translation, Ying Ruocheng, Teahouse