

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



奥斯卡·王尔德是维多利亚时期著名的作家、诗人,是英国唯美主义文学的代表人物。然而,他的一生充满着传奇色彩,他的作品饱受争议却又备受推崇,为后世留下了许多脍炙人口的故事。《道连·格雷的画像》是王尔德的唯一一部长篇小说,也是一部倍受争议的小说,是探索王尔德三重人格的最佳素材。根据弗洛伊德的三重人格结构理论,文中的三位主人公——道连·格雷、亨利勋爵和画家巴兹尔,正是王尔德本我、自我和超我的体现。本文通过弗洛伊德三重人格理论,对《道连·格雷的画像》中的三位主人公进行分析,从中探索王尔德的三重人格。在此基础之上,分析其对 “艺术”和“道德”的矛盾心理,进一步探索“艺术”与“道德”对现实的作用,试图探寻出两者之间的一个平衡点。



As one of the most distinguished writers and poets during Victorian era, Oscar Wilde is also the representative of aestheticism in Britain. However, his legendary life was not as right as rain. His works are controversial, but still loved by lots of people. He left many popular stories behind. The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only full-length novel as well as one of the controversial works of Oscar Wilde, it ought to be the best material to explore the three-level personality of Oscar Wilde. According to Freud’s three-level personality structure, three protagonists of this book--Dorian Gray, Lord Henry and the artist Basil are just reflections of Oscar Wilde’s state of mind-the id, ego and super-ego. This study focuses on the three main characters via the theory of Freud’s tripartite model of the mind to research the three-level personality of Oscar Wilde. Based on that, this thesis will analyze Wilde’s ambivalence between art and morality and further explore their effect on reality, aiming to find a balance point between them.

    Key words: Oscar Wilde; The Picture of Dorian Gray;
Three-level Personality


