

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Lie to Me, an American TV series based on the bestselling book Telling Lies and the real-life study of behavioral expert Paul Ekman, has sparked a wave of micro expression learning. This thesis aims to study the different effects of micro expression recognition on the work and life of Dr. Lightman, the protagonist of the play, and analyze the different features of the character.
This thesis consists of an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. Its main contents are as follows:
The introduction briefly summarizes the creation background, main content and influence of Lie to Me.
The main body is made up of three parts:
The first part introduces the definition of micro expression and the application of micro expression recognition. The origin, development and application of micro expression research are summarized in this part.
The second part focuses on the role of micro expression recognition in character analysis. From different perspectives of the protagonist’s work and life, this thesis expounds the different influences of micro expression recognition on the protagonist’s expertise, leadership, love, affection and friendship, which reflects the different image characteristics of the protagonist.
The third part mainly discusses the practical significance of micro expression recognition. In the fields of college psychological education, business negotiation and diplomacy, micro expression recognition technology has shown excellent practical value and is worth promoting.
The conclusion mainly summarizes the above discussion, and points out the main findings, limitations and suggestions of this thesis. Micro expression recognition is a double-edged sword in the characterization of Cal Lightman. It not only creates a positive image of the sharp and intelligent protagonist, but also shows a negative image of the suspicious and stubborn character. The character image is complete and vivid. In addition, since the analysis of the character image in this thesis mainly selects the situation of micro expression recognition, and the protagonist in other situations also has many distinct characteristics, this thesis does not discuss in depth. As a new subject, micro expression is expected to have more research achievements in the future, which will open a new world for human communication.

Key words: micro expression; character analysis; lie detection; portrait; conversation


