

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


关键词:任务型教学法; 初中英语阅读; 应用
The Application of Task-based Approach to Reading Teaching in Junior High Schools
Abstract: The new curriculum standards points out that the English curriculum aims to improve the ability of students' comprehension and language expression. It also attracts students' interest and improves the ability of students' initiative learning in the stage of basic education. Both teachers and students   attach importance to reading in English teaching. The main teaching purposes   is to promote students’ correct comprehension and can be used flexibly in oral communication in daily life. With the development of quality education and new curriculum reform in China, the focus of English examination has changed in junior high school. It is no longer the tradition of paying attention to theoretical knowledge but neglecting the cultivation of students' practical ability. As a product of the new curriculum reform, the task-based teaching method is accepted and recognized by more and more educators. The traditional method is focused on theory, but TBLT advocates that teachers should make students become the center of the class and pay attention to everyone's participation in teaching.
This paper, based on the task-based language teaching, focuses on the application of task based approach to English reading teaching in junior high school. It is found that TBLT can improve the initiative and enthusiasm of English learning in junior high school..
Key words: task-based language teaching; junior middle school English reading; application.

