

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


农村初中词汇英语教学课后反思A Study on After-class Reflection of Vocabulary Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School通过问卷调查的形式,对孙受中学初一五个班的学生进行调查,发现初中生对于英语学习的本质缺乏了解,在英语词汇学习方面存在较大误区。存在的基本问题有三条:词汇的发音,词汇的拼写,词汇的记忆。针对以上三个问题,从教师角度提出三点课后反思:乡村初中教师在词汇的呈现,词汇的巩固,词汇的情景式教学方面应求得创新。
A Study on After-class Reflection of Vocabulary Teaching in
Rural Junior Middle School
Abstract: In the form of a questionnaire, a survey was conducted among the students in five classes of the first year of junior high school in Sunshou Middle School. It was found that the junior high school students lacked understanding of the nature of English learning and had great misunderstandings in English vocabulary learning. There are three basic problems: the pronunciation of vocabulary, the spelling of vocabulary and the memory of vocabulary. In view of the above three problems, this paper puts forward three points of post-class reflection from the perspective of teachers: rural junior middle school teachers should seek innovation in vocabulary presentation, vocabulary consolidation and situational vocabulary teaching.
Key words: vocabulary teaching; rural junior high school; after-class reflection;

