

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


象征主义在《杀死知更鸟》中的应用The Application of Symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird
1950年代的当代美国作家哈珀·李(Harper Lee)以其出色的小说《杀死一只知更鸟》而著称,该小说自出版以来就受到读者的欢迎和喜爱。 1960年,她出版了她唯一的自传小说《杀死一只知更鸟》,该小说赢得了很高的声誉,并于1961年获得普利策文学奖。这部小说讲述了在大萧条时期斯科特和他的哥哥杰姆在阿拉巴马州梅康市的一个黑人审判中的故事。这本小说着重于对黑人汤姆的审判,以展示社会现实并攻击诸如社会等级制度之类的社会弊端,揭露了种族歧视和人性的阴暗面。同时,它还揭示了1960年代中期美国南部的种族歧视。在小说的标题中,知更鸟具有重要的象征意义。同时,故事中的许多角色都像知更鸟的命运,他们并没有做任何坏事,但是他们受到了其他人的伤害。
Harper Lee, the contemporary American writer in the 1950s, is noticeable for her great novel To Kill a Mockingbird, which has been welcomed and loved by readers since its publication. In 1960, she published her only autobiographical novel ‘Kill a Mockingbird’, which won a high reputation and Pulitzer Prize for literature in 1961. The novel tells the story of Scott and his brother Jem's black Tom trial in a small town, Maycomb, Alabama during the great depression. This novel focuses on the trial of the black man Tom through the eyes of the little girl Scout who experiences innocence to mature in order to display the social reality and assail the social evils such as the social hierarchy, racial discrimination and the dark side of human nature.  It reveals racial discrimination in the south of the United States in the mid-1960s. In the title of the novel, the mockingbird has an important symbolic significance. Meanwhile, many of the characters in the story are like the fate of the mockingbird. They didn't do anything bad, but they were hurt by others.
Since the publication of To Kill a Mockingbird, this novel has been widely concerned by the academic community. Experts and scholars at home and abroad discuss the theme of the novel from the perspective of racial prejudice, social and family ethics.
This paper uses an ocean of symbolic skill to express and deepen the symbolic meaning of mockingbirds and the profound symbolic connotation of the work, to explore the spiritual characteristics and life experience of the characters in the book, and to reveal the theme of racial discrimination.
This article is divided into four parts, including the symbolism style, symbolism definition, as well as symbolism characters, demonstrates the perfecting of the characterizing, heightening of the atmosphere and deepening of the theme. The novel also reflects the hypocrisy and evil of human nature. The use of symbolism in the novel not only highlights the atmosphere, but also strengthens the theme of the work. This paper tries to analyze To Kill a Mockingbird from the wide range of influence on American Literature symbolism feature to allow more readers to appreciate the charm of the novel.
All in all, the use of symbolism elements in Harper’s To Kill a Mockingbird enhances the readability of the novel, giving their works a special artistic charm and making it handed down among the enduring masterpiece.
Key words: symbolism; Arthur Radley; camellia; gun

