

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



  This paper mainly analyzes the self-redemption of the main character in The Shawshank Redemption. We can learn from the most easily lost and the most important thing in human nature from the book, and know about the hero Andy’s character. Andy’s spirit can give you hope if you read this most touching story. To be accurate, this book encourages people to retain hope and freedom. First of all, the hero Andy is the soul of the whole work. He has always been keeping the hope of survival and freedom. And at the same time, he insisted on using the "hope" to comfort himself and his friends. In Shawshank, Andy not only gave the prisoners the feeling of freedom and survival, but also saved many parole prisoners such as Reid. In Shawshank, what is more important is that other prisoners’ spirits are saved by Andy. Another main character in this book, it is linked together with Andy because of friendship. In addition to friendship, Reid also almost embarked on the old Brooks Road—institutionalized. Fortunately, under the guidance of Andy, Reid went out of loss and fear for life, he went out of institutionalization through the analysis of the hero Andy's self-salvation such as "hope", "freedom", "faith" and "friendship" and other aspects, this paper to interpret the hero's valuable personalities at that time. Hope, freedom, beliefs and other qualities should not be abandoned anywhere, anytime. They are necessities in any era for success.

Key words : hope; self-redemption; free; institutionalization
摘  要
本文主要是对《肖申克的救赎》中主要人物安迪的自我救赎进行分析,通过对主人公安迪的解读,来了解人性中最容易丢失又是最重要的东西。通过最能打动人心的故事情节,给予人们希望。准确的说,是让人们坚毅的保留希望,保留自由。 首先,关于主人公安迪,他是整部作品的灵魂,他一直对生存、自由存在着希望。同时,他坚持着用“希望”来渡己渡人。在肖申克中,安迪给了犯人们自由和生存之感,更挽救了如瑞德那样迷茫的假释者。在肖申克里,更重要的是其他的犯人的灵魂被安迪救赎了。而作品中的第二主角瑞德,则是因为友谊和安迪联系在一起,除了友谊之外,瑞德还差一点走上老布鲁克斯的路——体制化。幸运的是瑞德在安迪的指引下,走出迷茫和对生活的恐惧,脱离了体制化。 本文通过对主人公安迪的自我救赎分析,如“希望”“自由”“信念”“友谊”等方面,来解读在当时的时代背景下,主人公的难能可贵之处。也给予当代人以启示。如希望、自由、信念等品质,是任何时代背景下都不该舍弃的。他们在任何时代都会成功。


Introduction 1
Chapter One Stephen King and The Shawshank Redemption 2
I. Introduction of Stephen Edwin King  2
II. Introduction of The Shawshank Redemption 6
Chapter Two The Subjective Reasons of Andy's self-Redemption 11
I. Insistence of hope and desire for freedom 11
1. Insistence of hope 11
2. Desire for freedom 12
II. Optimism and strength 13
III. Professional wisdom and calmness 15
Ⅳ. Bravery and great patience 15
Chapter Three The Objective Reasons of Andy's Self-Redemption  17
I. The Warden's Arrogance and Ignorance 17
II. Other’s help 17
1. Reid and his friend’s help 18
2. Andy's kindness 19
III. Opportunity 19
Conclusion 21
Bibliography 22

