

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


新冠肺炎疫情期间的可视化新闻研究 数据时代的来临以及互联网技术的发展,不仅使新闻从业者拓宽了信息来源的渠道,也改变了以往单一的报道模式,可视化新闻应运而生。2020年新冠肺炎疫情的肆虐对媒体的报道效率提出了更高的要求,同时,也涌现出了一部分优秀的可视化新闻作品。本文选取澎湃“美数课”、新华网数据新闻栏目、财新网数字说、人民日报微信公众号在新冠肺炎疫情期间(1月中旬至3月底)的191篇报道为样本,以叙事学和新闻叙事学为理论支撑,从叙事结构和叙事策略两方面进行深入探讨,并结合当前可视化新闻发展的实际情况,对未来可视化新闻在疫情报道方面的发展趋势进行展望。 关键词: 可视化新闻 叙事学 新冠疫情 Visualized journalistic research during the COVID-19 epidemic ABSTRACT With the advent of the data era and the development of Internet technology, journalists not only expand the channels of information sources, but also change the previous single reporting mode, and visual journalism emerges at the historic moment. The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has put forward higher requirements for the efficiency of media reporting, and at the same time, some excellent visual news works have emerged. This article selects surging lesson number of "beauty", xinhua news data, caixin digital said, the People's Daily WeChat public number during the outbreak of COVID - 19 (middle of January to the end of march) as samples, the 191 report on the theory of narratology and news narrative, from two aspects of narrative structure and narrative strategy, in-depth studies and combined with the actual situation of the current visual news development, visualization of news report on the outbreak in the future development trend were discussed. Keywords: Visual news Narrative A new outbreak of crown

