

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



On Public Participation in Criminal Procedure
Public participation, also known as social participation, originated in the 1960s and is a new form of democracy based on the theory of participatory democracy. In the 1990s, the basic theory of public participation was introduced into China, and the academic circle began to study the issues of public participation at the levels of legislation, public decision-making and public governance. With the further development of public participation research, the field of public participation research has gradually expanded from administrative law to criminal law. The principle of public participation has gradually become the principle of criminal procedure, which plays an increasingly important role in criminal procedure. The legislation and judicial practice of criminal procedure in our country also guarantee the public's participation in criminal procedure through various systems and measures, such as defense and agency system, jury system, open trial system, etc. However, it should also be noted that with the public participation in criminal proceedings more and more enthusiasm, the concept of public participation in criminal proceedings in our country has not been fully established, the effectiveness and the extent of public participation compared with the international standards there is still a certain gap. This paper analyzes the theoretical and value basis of public participation in criminal proceedings, and further combines the current situation of public participation in criminal proceedings at home and abroad to put forward specific suggestions for improving the existing deficiencies of domestic public participation mechanism.
Keywords: Public participation; Reference; Problems and Improvement













目 录
一、 公众参与的概述 1
(一)公众参与的概念 1
(二)公众参与的理论基础 1
(三)公众参与的价值基础 2
二、 中外刑事诉讼中公众参与机制比较 3
(一)英美法系中公众参与的规定 3
(二)大陆法系中公众参与的规定 3
(三)我国公众参与的相关规定 4
三、 我国刑事诉讼公众参与现状 5
(一)被害人的知情权不充分 5
(二)被告人的诉权不当受限 5
(三)证人拒不出庭现象严重 6
(四)人民陪审制被虚置 6
四、 我国刑事诉讼中公众参与机制存在的不足与完善 6
(一)存在的不足 6
(二)完善建议 7

