

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



刑事和解作为一种处理刑事纠纷的方式,起源于上世纪七十年代,在西方国家已发展多年。我国在2012年修改的《刑事诉讼法》特别程序中新増了一章专门规定当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序,这是我国第一次明确规定刑事和解制度,具有里程碑式的意义。2013 年,现行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》于1 月 1 日颁布实施,在第五编特别程序中增加了当事人和解的诉讼程序,自此,我国正式确立刑事和解制度。目前,经过几十年的发展,刑事和解制度已经在司法实践中得到了广泛应用,并且成为了不可或缺的纠纷解决机制。但是,我国目前的刑事和解制度在立法和司法实践中仍存在某些不足与缺憾,为了充分发挥刑事和解制度的有效性,本文通过剖析刑事和解制度的理论、特征和价值等问题,同时探究域外各国刑事和解制度的发展现状并进行对比,分析出我国刑事和解制度在适用范围、程序设置、和解方式等方面存在的不足,最后,提出了解决这些问题的建议和措施。
As a way of dealing with criminal disputes, criminal reconciliation originated in the 1970s and has been developed for many years in western countries.In the Criminal Procedure Law amended in 2012, a new chapter was added to stipulate the procedure of public prosecution cases for the reconciliation of the parties. This is the first time that the criminal reconciliation system has been explicitly stipulated in China, which is of landmark significance..In 2013, the current Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated and implemented on January 1, adding the procedure of reconciliation between parties in Part V of the special procedure. Since then, the criminal reconciliation system has been formally established in China.At present, after decades of development, criminal reconciliation system has been widely used in judicial practice, and has become an indispensable dispute resolution mechanism.However, there are still some shortcomings in the legislation and judicial practice of the criminal reconciliation system in China.In order to give full play to the effectiveness of criminal reconciliation system,By analyzing the theory, characteristics and value of the criminal reconciliation system, this paper explores the development status of the criminal reconciliation system in foreign countries and makes a comparison.This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the criminal reconciliation system in the scope of application, procedure setting and the way of reconciliation.Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions and measures to solve these problems.
Keywords:criminal reconciliation;victims forgive;criminal reconciliation  
第一章 刑事和解制度概述 1
一、刑事和解制度的概念 1
二、刑事和解的特征 1
(一)具有刑事法律效果 1
(二)以和解为目标 1
(三)加害人与被害人的参与 1
(四)在中立的调解人主持下进行被害人与加害人的和解 1
(五)协商结果影响刑事处分措施 2
三、刑事和解制度的价值 2
(一)刑事和解的公正价值 2
(二)刑事和解的效率价值 2
(三)刑事和解的和谐价值 3
第二章 国外的刑事和解制度 3
一、英美法系国家的刑事和解制度 3
(一)美国 3
(二)英国 3
二、大陆法系国家刑事和解制度 4
(一)德国 4
(二)法国 4
三、两大法系刑事和解制度的比较与借鉴启示 5
(一)两大法系刑事和解制度的比较 5
(二)两大法系刑事和解制度的借鉴启示 5
第三章 目前我国刑事和解制度存在的问题 6
一、刑事和解适用案件范围有限 6
二、刑事和解程序设置不完备 6
三、刑事和解协议的履行方式单一 6
四、刑事和解协议的效力不够明确 6
第四章 关于我国刑事和解制度的完善建议 7
一、扩大刑事和解制度的案件适用范围 7
二、 完善刑事和解适用程序 7
(一) 启动程序 7
(二)受理审查 8
(三)实施程序 8
(四)达成和解 8
(五)司法审查和确认 9
三、确立统一的赔偿标准 9
四、明确和解协议书的法律效力 9
结语 10
参考文献 10


