On the Criminal Law Regulation of Campus Loans
With the rapid development of Internet finance today, the concept of early consumption has become the living habit of college students. The emergence and rapid development of campus loans have eased the consumption burden of college students, and increased the utilization rate of idle funds in the society. Due to the imperfect criminal laws and regulations on campus loans, it has led to abnormal development of campus loans and some illegal and criminal behaviors, which seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of college students and disrupted the normal social order. Nowadays, "campus loan" has become synonymous with endangering young people, which requires us to aim at this problem and take effective measures to regulate the development of campus loan. This article first starts thinking about this problem from the most common and typical vicious events caused by campus loans, and then makes a introduction to campus loans, including the definition and tapes of campus loans, and then summarizes the vicious events of campus loans The problems and reasons that have arisen, finally, focus on what kind of regulation should be made to the various problems of campus loans in the field of criminal law in order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of young people and safeguard the social and economic development.
Keywords: campus loan; problem; criminal laws and regulations
目 录
引 言 1
一、校园贷概述 1
(一)校园贷的定义 1
(二)校园贷的类型 2
(三)校园贷的特点 2
1.校园贷对象具有特殊性 2
2.校园贷内容具有多样性 2
3.校园贷市场具有广阔性 2
4.校园贷交易具有便捷性 2
5.校园贷行业缺乏规范性 3
(四)刑法视角下的校园贷 3
二、校园贷存在的问题 3
(一)校园贷问题的成因分析 3
(二)校园贷主要问题总结 4
1.款项借贷门槛过低 4
2.校园贷变非法高利贷 4
3.非法暴力催缴贷款 4
三、校园贷刑法规制措施 5
(一)校园贷犯罪事件的司法实践 5
1.“裸贷”类 5
2.诈骗类 5
3.“涉黑”类 5
(二)对校园贷刑法规制的必要性 6
1.校园贷暴力催贷问题时有发生,触及法律边缘 6
2.高校学生个人信息易泄露、名誉前程尽毁 6
3.校园贷“灰色地带”较广 6
(三)对校园贷中各类犯罪行为的刑法规制 6
1.非法传播淫秽物品罪及非法传播淫秽物品牟利罪 6
2.侮辱罪 7
3.侵犯公民个人信息罪 8
4.非法拘禁罪 8
5.诈骗罪 8
6.组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织犯罪 9
7.敲诈勒索罪 9
结 语 10