

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Research on Paid Membership Model of Catering Chain Enterprises in Post-epidemic Period
Customer resources are the key resources for catering enterprises to survive. After the big examination of COVID-19 epidemic situation, a stable customer source is particularly important. In order to help catering chain enterprises stabilize passenger flow and enhance customer value in the post-epidemic period. Based on the customer life cycle theory and the background of the post-epidemic period, this study expounds and analyzes the current situation of the paid membership model of catering chain enterprises in China, taking Yum China as a typical example. The problems existing in its operation are summarized and the improvement strategies are given. The research shows that there are still some problems in the paid membership model of catering chain enterprises, such as tedious channels for membership, lack of targeted services for members, unreasonable incentives for members and so on. It is suggested that catering chain enterprises should improve the paid membership model by promoting the combination of "KOC+KOL", managing the differentiation of membership grades, expanding the alliance of different industries, and enriching the rights and interests of members. This study provides an idea for China's catering chain enterprises to stabilize the source of customers and achieve new development in the post-epidemic period.

Keywords:Post-epidemic period;Restaurant chain;Paying members;Customer Lifecycle
目  录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 2
1.理论意义 2
2.现实意义 2
(三)文献综述 2
1.餐饮连锁企业相关研究 2
2.付费会员相关研究 3
3.文献评述 3
(四)研究方法 4
1.文献研究法 4
2.案例分析法 4
二、理论基础 4
(一)会员制营销相关理论 4
1.会员制营销 4
2.连锁企业实行会员制的意义 4
(二)客户生命周期相关理论 4
1.客户生命周期 4
2.疫情对客户生命周期的影响 5
三、后疫情时期餐饮连锁企业付费会员运营现状分析 6
(一)后疫情时期百胜中国付费会员模式运营现状 6
1.招新以线上线下全渠道为主 7
2.付费会员附赠多项权益 8
(二)后疫情时期餐饮连锁企业付费会员模式运营现状 8
1.运营目标 8
2.运营特点 8
四、后疫情时期餐饮连锁企业付费会员存在问题分析 9
(一)会员入会方面 10
1.入会渠道繁琐,有效性低 10
2.入会招新方式老旧 10
(二)会员留存方面 10
1.消费者对会员权益感知不强 10
2.会员针对性服务欠缺,会员关系薄弱 10
(三)会员续费方面 11
1.会员续费意愿低,会员数量流失严重 11
2.会员激励措施不合理,会员体验感差 11
五、后疫情时期餐饮连锁企业付费会员改进策略 11
(一)会员入会方面 12
1.建设便捷有效的入会渠道 12
2.进行“KOL+KOC”组合推广 12
(二)会员留存方面 13
1.迭代会员权益,增加会员满足感 13
2.进行会员等级的差异化管理 13
(三)会员续费方面 13
1.推行续费优惠策略,降低价格敏感度 13
2.拓展异业联盟,丰富会员权益 14
六、结论与展望 14
附录 15
参考文献 16

