

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




A feasibility study on the policy of delaying retirement in China
Chinas population base is huge. Since the 1990s, the reduction of birth rate and mortality rate has accelerated the aging process of China. At the same time, China&apos;s retirement age is significantly lower than the level of developed countries, resulting in a series of problems, such as the government pension pressure is too large, and the burden of young people&apos;s pension is increasing. In order to deal with the risks brought by the aging of population, China has launched the delayed retirement policy. In order to ensure that the problems brought by the aging of population can be effectively solved and the delayed retirement policy can be better implemented, this paper analyzes the background, necessity and possible problems of the delayed retirement policy, and introduces the foreign delayed retirement policy Policy comparison, so that the public can realize the important role of delayed retirement policy in the context of aging. Based on the feasibility study, I put forward some reasonable suggestions for the smooth implementation of delayed retirement policy according to my knowledge.
Keywords:Retirement policy;ageing of population;Delayed retirement;Countermeasures and suggestions

一、研究背景及研究意义 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
二、国内外退休政策现状 1
(一)国内退休政策现状 2
(二)国外退休政策现状 2
1.希腊 2
2.澳大利亚 2
3.意大利 2
4.西班牙 3
三、延迟退休政策的必要性 3
(一)缓解政府养老金支付的巨大压力 3
(二)提升劳动者在退休后的养老金收入水平 3
(三)有利于缓解高素质劳动力缺乏问题 4
(四) 减轻年轻人的养老负担 4
(五)更加能体现社会公平 4
四、推行延迟退休政策产生的不利因素分析 5
(一)对于退休者个人的不利影响 5
1.阶级机构差异所带来的问题 5
(二)对于年轻人就业机会的不利影响 5
(三)对于企业的不利影响 5
(四)对于家庭生活方式的不利影响 6
五、对于延迟退休政策的对策建议 6
(一)采用渐进式退休政策 6
(二)加大劳动者的就业渠道 6
(三)实行弹性退休政策 7
(四)统筹兼顾配套政策和保障措施协同推进 7
(五)大力宣传延迟退休政策出台激励措施 8
参考文献 9

