

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Study on the Efficiency of Primary Public Health Control in China under the Background of New Crown Epidemic
The new crown epidemic is the most serious challenge in human history and still spreads all over the world today. Public health emergencies can test the application of a national basic public health service system.China's public health governance system has played an indispensable role in this protracted war.According to the practice of grass-roots public health management system in this epidemic situation at home and abroad, we can get the advantages and disadvantages of grass-roots public health management efficiency in China. This paper mainly studies and analyzes the effectiveness, specific situation, changes and existing problems of primary public health management in China under the background of epidemic situation, and finds out the solutions.
Keywords:New Crown;public hygienic;governance effectiveness


目  录

一、相关概念界定与理论基础 1
(一)新冠疫情 1
(二)基层公共卫生管理服务 1
(三)管理效能 1
二、新冠疫情带来的挑战 1
(一)防控意识 1
(二)管理体制 2
三、疫情下基层公共卫生治理效能 2
(一)我国基层公共卫生治理体系的现状 2
(二)疫情下基层公共卫生组织的治理效能 2
1.疾控中心 3
2.流调 4
3.医院 4
四、我国基层公共卫生治理存在的问题与解决办法 5
(一)存在问题及成因 5
1.应急能力欠缺 5
2.人才问题导致的总体效率低下 5
3.应对紧急状况整体经验不足 5
4.宣传力度低、阻力大、群众意识低下 6
(二)解决办法 6
1.加强应急预案管理体系建设 6
2.重视基层组织人才培养 6
3.建立健全的管理制度 7
4.加强宣传建设 7
五、总结 7

