

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





At the end of 2019, novel coronavirus raged. In the process of epidemic prevention and control in various places, the employees of residential property service enterprises stick to the front line of protection, and play a role in filling the loopholes in community governance, controlling the spread of epidemic, promoting the harmony and stability of grass-roots communities, and playing a huge role in ensuring the normal operation of community residents' lives, implementing effective control of community order, building a public health system and safeguarding people's physical and mental health. This paper focuses on the analysis of the value of property management in community governance, and expounds its own predicament in community governance. Finally, it puts forward the value innovation of property management in community governance to finally discuss its value.
Keywords: property management; epidemic prevention and control; community management; value

目 录

引言 1
一、核心概念及相关理论 1
(一)物业服务企业 1
(二)社区治理 1
(三)价值 1
(四)物业管理与社区治理的关系 1
二、物业服务企业在社区治理中的价值体现 2
(一)充分发挥主力军作用 2
1.发挥物业引领作用 2
2.弥补社区治理短板 3
3.抗风险、周期性能力强 3
4.与业主及时沟通交流 4
(二)利用科技优势服务业主 4
1.利用科技方法 4
2.采用先进设备 5
(三)形成共建共治共享局面 5
1.物业管理视角 6
2.社区治理视角 6
三、物业管理在社区治理中的自身困境 7
(一)工作人员不足 7
(二)防疫物资短缺 7
(三)公众理解不够 7
(四)防疫成本增加 7
(五)缺乏防疫工作基础和经验 8
四、物业管理在社区治理中的价值创新 8
(一)明晰定位、厘清权责 8
(二)加大支持、提供保障 9
(三)宣传引导、增强理解 10
结束语 10
参考文献 12

