

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


体育游戏中小班幼儿规则养成的调查游戏是幼儿园基本的活动之一,而体育游戏是幼儿体育活动中重要的组成部分,有利于幼儿身体动作发展,促进身体各功能正常发育,体育游戏具有丰富的趣味性,形式活泼,有利于引导幼儿积极探索参与。同时体育游戏作为规则游戏的一种,有利于幼儿良好秩序感的形成,是体育游戏规则性特点的体现。 本研究采取观察法与访谈法相结合的研究方法,通过观察一所幼儿园中的各个小班体育游戏活动,分析并结合对幼儿园小班老师的访谈记录,进而分析小班幼儿规则养成现状,得出了影响小班幼儿规则养成的因素主要有小班幼儿自身发展特点、教师的教学与评价和体育自身游戏特点等。 最后,根据对体育游戏规则养成现状的调查和小班幼儿自身发展特点、教师的教学和评价、体育游戏自身特点等影响因素的分析,在对于促进幼儿的规则养成方面提出了教育建议,教师应当树立正确的规则养成观念,对于幼儿规则的养成的内容要符合幼儿身心发展特点,通过潜移默化的影响从各方面促进幼儿的规则养成。 关键词:体育游戏;规则;规则养成 Abstract Games are one of the basic activities in kindergartens, and sports games are an important part of children's movements, promoting the development of children's body movements and promoting the normal development of body desk ability. Sports games are rich in hobbies, lively and help guide children to actively explore and participate. Also, sports games are a kind of regular game, the embodiment of the characteristics of regular games, which help to form the order of children. In this study, the method of observation and interview was adopted. By observing the sports activities of each small class kindergarten, we analyze and combine interview records of kindergarten teachers and analyze the current state of rule formation of children in small classes. Factors that influence the formation of children's rules include the developmental characteristics of the child himself, the educational evaluation of the teacher, and the game characteristics peculiar to sports. Finally, from the analysis of the current state and influence factors of rule formation in sports games, we submitted some educational proposals to promote rule formation in children. Teachers must establish the correct concept of rule formation. The content of child rule formation promotes child rule formation from all sides through subtle influences in response to the characteristics of the child's physical and mental development. Keywords: Sports games; Rule; Rule cultivate 目 录 一、引言 1 (一)课题来源 1 (二)研究意义 1 (三)国内相关研究综述与概念界定 2 (四)研究目标与内容 4 (五)研究方法 4 二、小班体育游戏中幼儿规则养成的现状 5 (一)规则的制定 5 (二)规则的实施 6 (三)规则的评价 9 三、体育游戏中小班幼儿规则养成的影响因素 10 (一)小班幼儿自身发展特点 10 (二)教师的教学与评价 11 (三)体育游戏自身特点 11 四、教育建议 12 附件 15 参考文献 17

