

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





For the studies of the sources of human civilization, flood myths, as a factor, are very difficult to avoid. At present, there are a lot of comparative studies on Eastern and Western myths by scholars at home and abroad, but few of them mention motifs, while the researches on myths of Northern European mainly focus on the exploration of their relations, including its pedigree, religions and Christianity. This paper will make a regional comparison between motifs of flood myths in China and motifs of flood myths in Northern Europe. In this way, it can reflect the differences between  motifs of flood myths in China and Northern Europe more intuitively and the differences in cultural psychology of different nations in the East and the West.
Keywords:China's Flood Myth;The Norse Flood Myth;Motif  

目 录

引言 1
一、中国与北欧洪水神话母题的差异 2
(一)神话中洪水发生机制的不同 2
(二)神话中人类面对洪水态度的不同 3
(三)神话中洪水之后世界的不同 4
二、中国与北欧的初民生存状态 4
(一)自然气候与地理环境的分析 5
(二)初民的生活方式 5
(三)民族特点的分析 6
三、中国与北欧洪水神话中的民族文化心理差异 7
(一)北欧洪水神话中的民族文化心理分析 7
1.神性与人性。 7
2.生死与轮回。 8
3.勇武与活着。 8
(二)中国洪水神话中的民族文化心理分析 9
1.人定胜天。 9
2.积极务实。 9
3.集体意识。 10
四、结论 11
结语 12
参考文献 13

