

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


网络时代网络营销的最大特点是以消费者为主导,使消费者拥有比过去更大的选择自由权力,消费者之所以选择网上购物,心理因素是其主要动因,针对网络时代的消费者的特点,企业在营销上不断推陈出新采取新的策略。由于人们对互联网的使用越来越频繁,网络对人们的生活影响力也日益显著。据学者研究互联网与传统五大媒体——报纸、广播、杂志、电视、电影一样,成为人们获取信息和休闲的重要渠道,并深深植根于生活中,成为生活的重要组成部分。同时,也有越来越多的企业将广告从传统的媒体移到互联网上成为消费者的日常生活中必不可少的接触。网络时代如何展开营销活动是企业抢占和开拓市场必须研究的问题,做好网络营销是企业在21世纪至关重要的营销手段。伴随互联网的普及,以及网上银行和现代物流技术的发展,网络购物近几年呈现高速发展的态势,在经济社会生活中的地位日渐显著,网络购物行为正以一种网络时尚逐步成为大众化的消费模式,渗透到社会各个阶层,并引发网民消费行为和消费理念的转变。在网络时代,发展网络营销是促进企业走向市场全球化的最佳方式。通过网络,企业可以快速便捷地发布企业最新信息,可以在网页上制作广告,宣传企业形象,借助网络收集客户意见,及时把握市场和消费者对企业、产品及服务的需求,作为制定企业经营和市场营销策略的基础。企业可以通过向客户提供某些优惠活动,收集客户的相关资料,建立客户数据库,并在此基础上提供各种延伸和附加服务,以增加销售机会。因此,企业应积极利用互联网实现产品销售,积极抢占市场。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点) : 网络时代;消费者;消费心理;营销策略
   The network era is the biggest characteristic of network marketing, consumer has led consumers than the past greater freedom of choice; Consumers shopping online so choose, psychological factors are the main cause; The consumers in network era, the enterprise is in sale the characteristics of the new countermeasures should be taken. People on the Internet is more and more frequent, the Internet use of people's life influence is also gradually display. Some scholars study the Internet and traditional five media - newspapers, broadcasts, magazines, movies is same, become person access to information and leisure important channel, and deeply rooted in life, become consumers the central part in the daily life. Meanwhile,  more and more enterprises from traditional media advertising to network. Network times how to carry out marketing activities is the enterprise preempted and exploiting the market must be the research question, network marketing is the enterprise in the 21st century the most important marketing tool.
With the spread of the Internet and online banking and modern logistics development, the network shopping in recent years, the present situation of the high-speed development of economic and social life in the status of Internet shopping behavior becomes more and more serious, and sparked a netizen consumer behavior and consumption concept transformation.
In the Internet age, the development of network marketing is to promote the enterprise market globalization the best way. Through the network, enterprise can quick release enterprise the latest information on the web, can make enterprise image, with advertising network collects customers' opinions, timely grasp the market and consumers to enterprise, product and service demand, as making enterprise management and marketing strategy foundation. Enterprise can by offering customers some favourable activity, collect customer information, establishes the customer database, and on this basis to provide all kinds of extension services, in order to increase sales opportunity. Therefore, the enterprises should actively use the Internet to realize product sales, actively seizes the market.
Keywords: network times; consumer; Consumption psychology marketing strategy

