

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


ABSTRACTThe thesis studies the mispronunciations made by the learners of English with Cantonese accent. Analysis of the differences between consonants and vowels in oral English and Cantonese will be carried out to find out those pronunciation errors. This paper will show how the errors occur and then provides the corrective suggestions for it.. The first part of the analysis chapter analyzes the accent errors by analyzing oral Cantonese in order to point out the mispronunciations in consonants, such as //, //, // and vowels such as //, //. The second part sums up the mispronunciations and the habits of speakers in order to figure out five reasons for the accent errors, such as the pronunciation characteristics and the weaken growth of vocal organs. The third chapter provides five corrective suggestions to the English learners with Cantonese accent, such as changing the speaking habits, special training for the weak vocal organs.Key words:Oral English; Cantonese accent; corrective suggestions


本文研究带粤语口音的学习者在学习英语时的发音错误和发音弱项,分析英语口语和粤语口语在发音上的不同以达到发现发音错误的目的并为学习者提供纠正发音错误的纠正方案。本文的分析部分分为两小节,第一小节是分析发音错误,如//, //, //和//, //, //等。第二小节通过分析发音错误,进一步分析出现发音错误的五个原因,如发音习惯的原因,发音部位的发育问题等。本文的建议部分则会根据分析部分的提供的五个错误原因,有针对性地提出纠正发音错误的建议,如改变语言习惯,强化训练某些发音部位,等等。


