

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


我国民营经济已成为国民经济的重要组成部分,今后将在国民经济发展,解决就业问题等方面发挥更大作用。伴随着知识经济时代的到来, 企业之间的竞争越来越表现为员工素质的竞争和学习能力的竞争,然而当前,民营企业员工素质普遍较低,已成为民营经济健康发展的主要制约因素。因此,加强员工培训工作,增强企业的竞争力,已成为不可回避的课题,造就高素质员工成为企业参与知识经济时代竞争的必然选择。本文首先通过现实分析得出培训对于一个企业尤其是一个民营企业的重要作用,接着通过实证研究、文献研究和历史分析等方法得出民营企业的现状,在现状中透视其员工培训的紧迫性和必要性以及其在培训中存在的问题。充分运用所学的理论,将培训的各个流程贯穿于整个文章中。最后通过专家访谈、集体讨论等方法提出针对各个问题的有效对策。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):民营企业,员工培训,问题与对策 ABSTRACTOur private economy has become an important part of the national economy, the future development of the national economy in solving the employment problem, playing a bigger role, etc. With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the competition between the enterprises for the staff quality and competitive and learning ability, but at present, the competition of private enterprise staff quality, the healthy development of the private economy has become a main factor. Therefore, strengthening the training work, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and has become the inevitable topic, high staff become enterprises to participate in the competition of the knowledge economy era.This paper through the practical analysis of an enterprise for a particular training to the important role of private enterprises, then through empirical research and literature research and historical analysis method, the present situation of private enterprises in their present the urgency and necessity of employee training and the problems existing in the training. Make full use of theories, training of various processes throughout the articles. Finally, through group discussion, expert interview methods according to various problems of effective countermeasures.Keywords: private enterprises,training,problems and countermeasures 

