

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


电视植入式广告效果的优化研究摘要: 植入式广告在中国的发展也有近二十年的时间了。这一广告形式从无到有,从小到大,已经逐渐走入了普通大众的视野。但是一直以来,对植入式广告效果的测定却一直没有一个很清晰化的标准和方法,也因此很大程度上阻碍了植入式广告的发展。本文将通过参考大量学术文献和新闻资料,从电视植入式广告的效果层面进行事前、事中和事后优化研究,以期寻求一套适当的操作手法,为植入式广告营销提供借鉴。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):植入式广告 优化 营销TV implantable ad effectiveness studies Abstract: Implantable development of advertising in China, nearly two decades of time, this form of advertising from scratch, from small to large, has been gradually into the general public view. But it had been, for the determination of implantable advertising effectiveness has not a clear-oriented criteria and methods, and thus to a large extent hindered the development of embedded ads.This paper will refer to a large number of academic literature and news information from television ads implantable levels prior, during and after control, in order to find a suitable operating practices, marketing to product placement for reference.Keywords:Implantable AdvertisingOptimization Marketing目录一、电视植入式广告简介 4(一)电视植入式广告的定义 4(二)电视植入式广告的形式 41. 栏目植入式广告 42. 影视剧植入式广告 5二、电视植入式广告的现状 6(一)电视植入式广告的发展背景 6(二)电视植入式广告的SWOT分析 71. 拥有的优势 72. 存在的劣势 83. 发展的机会 84. 面临的威胁 9三、提升电视植入式广告效果的方法 10(一)为什么要对广告效果进行优化 10(二)如何提升植入式广告效果 101. 效果提升的理论依据 102. 策划在前 113. 四大原则贯穿其中 134. 事后开发和总结 14四、结论 15五、参考资料 16 

