

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要随着社会经济发展和环境的改善,旅游业将成为经久不衰的黄金产业,发展前景十分广阔。宁夏(全称宁夏回族自治区)旅游资源独具特色,其自然环境的多样性、旅游资源丰富性、民俗风情的浓厚性、旅游景观独特性、历史遗存的珍稀性,都是吸引旅游者的鲜明特征。然而,宁夏是旅游业的后发地区,由于社会经济总体发展水平较低,人们对旅游业发展的许多问题认识不深入,开发定位不准确,其丰富的旅游资源并未得到很好的开发和利用。本文根据宁夏旅游业的发展现状,针对宁夏旅游资源在开发中存在的问题,客观的分析了其优势、劣势、机遇及面临的威胁,并提出了相关的开发对策与建议,对有效开发宁夏旅游资源,加快宁夏旅游业的发展和促进社会经济的发展具有重大意义。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):宁夏;旅游资源;西部大开发;SWOTABSTRACTWith the development of economy and improvement of enviroment, tourism will become an enduring golden industry and have a long lasting market. In Ningxia (short for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region), the tourism resources are unique and attractive to tourists, it has different natural environment, rich tourism resources, deep national atmosphere, special landscape and valuable historical heritage. However, because of the relatively late exploitation of Ningxia tourism resources is and the low development level of economy, people don’t have a correct awareness, understanding and exactly exploitation orientation of Ningxia tourism, so the government don’t make full use of resources. Based on the current situation and some probles of Ningxia tourism, this paper analyzes the strengh, weakness, opportunitiy and threat of the development of Ningxia tourism resource, at last, this paper puts forward some strategies and tentative suggestions of developing Ningxia tourism, of which will have a great siginificance of developing tourism resources and improving the social economy.Key words: Ningxia; tourism resources; west development; SWOT 

