

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中国货代行业现存问题及发展策略 摘要::国际货运代理是国际贸易的重要组成部分,面对国际货代业网络化、集约化、信息化的发展势头,我国国际货代企业如何在货代市场全面对外开放,抓住机遇,重新整合,在强手林立的国际大市场中获得一席之地,这是摆在每一个国内传统货代企业面前一个非常迫切的问题。本论文首先陈述现在国际货运代理业现状,然后深度剖析了目前我国国内货代业的现状,提出货代业发展中存在的普遍问题,并分析国内货代业与国际货代业的差距,以EI为例,从各方面比较EI与国内货代公司的差别。第四部分根据前文所提的主要问题,结合EI的经历,提出适合我国货代业发展的几条策略。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):国际货代,现状,EI,策略

The Study on Strategies to The
Problems of China’s Freight Forwarder
Abstract: The international freight forwarder is the importance part of the international trade, confronted of network turn, intensive turn, the information-based development of the international freight forwarder, how the freight forwarder in our country catch hold of the opportunities, re- integrate, and stand up steadily in the severe competition with other firms in the agent market, which is a quite urgent problem coming to the traditional freight forwarder. n this paper, the first statement is the status quo of the international freight forwarding industry, and then deeply analyzing the status quo of the current China's freight forwarding industry, propounding the common problem exist in the development of the freight forwarding industry, the gap between the domestic freight forwarding industry and international freight forwarding industry. To IE as an example, compare the differences between IE and the domestic freight forwarding company from all aspects. In the fourth part, according the main issues mentioned above and combine with EI experience, we put forward several strategies suited to the development of China's freight forwarding industry.

Key words: International freight forwarder, State, EI, Strategies
目  录
摘要                                                                                    4
关键词                                                                                  4
Abstract                                                                                4
Key words                                                                               4
1 国际货运代理业现状                                                                    4
1.1国际货运代理的起源                                                                4
1.2国际货运代理业现状                                                                5
2国内货运代理业现存主要问题                                                            5
2.1中国国际货运代理业的现状                                                          5
2.1.1中国外贸经济持续高速发展,带动了我国国际货代业的发展                          5
2.1.2 私营、国有、外资货代企业呈三足鼎立                                            5
2.1.3 国内货代企业走向国外                                                          6
2.2国内货代业环境问题                                                                6
2.2.1货代行业相关法律的缺少,导致市场混乱                                          6
2.2.2相关部门管理不明确                                                            6
2.2.3信息化缺乏                                                                    7 电子商务技术落后                                                          7 信息交流、共享程度低                                                      7
2.2.4专业的物流、货代人才缺乏                                                       7
2.3企业本身所存问题                                                                  7
2.3.1规模偏小,观念落后,缺乏现代物流知识                                            7
2.3.2服务单一,缺乏核心竞争力                                                       7
3以EI为例实证分析                                                                      8
3.1 EI简介                                                                            8
3.2 EI运行模式及提供的主要服务                                                        8
3.3 EI优劣势分析                                                                      8
3.3.1 EI优势:                                                                      8网络全球化,操作系统信息化,资讯水平高                                     8业务标准化,服务系统化,收费统一                                           8重视大客户的长久合作                                                      9优秀的企业文化、完善的培训系统                                             9
3.3.2 EI劣势                                                                        9资金和全球网络的缺乏                                                      9公司人员的素质                                                            9服务跟不上客户的要求                                                      9
3.4 EI在发展中不断改进本身                                                           9
3.4.1 加强融资,通过合资、独资等方式建立全球网络                                    9
3.4.2 完善员工系统培训、不断更新员工知识                                            9
3.4.3 优化客户服务                                                                 10
4 国内企业的发展策略                                                                   10
4.1. 加强外部环境的建设                                                              10
4.1.1.制定完善的法律、法规                                                         10
4.1.2加强国际货代专业人才的培养                                                   10
4.1.3加强货代企业网络化,信息化                                                    11
4.2 中国货代企业本身的发展策略                                                       11
4.2.1规模化发展之路                                                               11
4.2.2提升核心竞争力,创专业化货代                                                 11
4.2.3向第三方物流发展                                                             11
4.3发挥行业协会的作用                                                                 12
4.3.1 制定行规,约束企业不规范行为                                                 12
4.3.2 制定统一的收费标准,收费透明化                                               12
4.3.3 多开展培训,加强与世界各地区的合作                                           12
5 总结                                                                                 12
参考文献                                                                               14
致谢                                                                                   15
附录一:文献综述                                                                       16
附录二:外文文献                                                                       18
原文一                                                                          18
       译文一                                                                          20
原文二                                                                          21
译文二                                                                          22

