

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Brief Analysis on the Close Connection between Social and Cultural Factors upon Given Names in EnglishAbstract: As one of the essential parts of human language, people’s names are playing a dominant role in the society. Names are indispensable for the communication in human society since language is a communicative tool for human society. This paper first explains the significance of the origin and development of name. It then includes the importance of traditional accounts of given names in English. Furthermore, it elaborates the cultural connotation in the naming schemes and the usage. It finally suggests that as an English learner, he should not only learn the grammar knowledge, but also should comprehend the culture well in order to improve his daily communication.Key words:English name; culture connotation; social factor浅析英语人名折射的社会文化内涵
摘要:作为语言的重要组成部分之一,人名在社会交往中有着举足轻重的地位。自从人类社会有了语言作为工具进行沟通,人名就是不可或缺的交流手段。本文首先介绍了英语人名的起源与发展的重要性,以及传统因素对命名的重要影响;接着阐释了文化在命名方式和日常使用中的影响;最后本文阐述了作为一名英语学习者应该不仅仅是学书本上的语言知识,更要好好地理解语言背后的文化从而更深地促进日常交流 。

